Liposuction slims and reshapes specific areas of the body by removing excess fat deposits and improving your body contours and proportion.
Liposuction can treat the following areas: Thighs, hips, abdomen and waist, upper arms, back, inner knee, chest area and neck.
Liposuction can be performed alone or along with other plastic surgery procedures, such as face lift, breast reduction, gynecomastia or abdominoplasty.
Liposuction is not a treatment for obesity or a substitute for proper diet and exercise. It is also not an effective treatment for loose saggy skin.
The medical appointment is the first step and it is the time to discuss why you want to have this surgery, your expectations and the desired outcome.
At this stage the patient should report his health history, previous surgeries, current medications and the use of alcohol or tobacco.
The surgery may be performed under general anesthesia or intravenous sedation. Each case is individually analyzed to recommend the best choice and depends on the areas to be treated and the amount of fat to be aspirated.
Liposuction is performed through small, inconspicuous incisions.
First, diluted local anesthesia is infused to reduce bleeding and trauma. Then a cannula is inserted through the incisions to loosen and aspirate the excess fat.
During your liposuction recovery, a compression garment or elastic bandages may cover treatment areas once your procedure is completed. These help to control swelling and compress the skin to your new body contours and should be worn for 1-2 months. Specialized lymphatic drainage begins in the first postoperative week and is considered a fundamental step in treatment.
The most common complications of liposuction are bruising, temporary change in skin sensation, persistent swelling and irregular contours or asymmetries.
The improvement in the body contour will be apparent when the swelling and fluid retention commonly experienced following liposuction subside.
Rua Real Grandeza, 108, Sala 110, Botafogo, Rio de Janeiro - RJ | CEP: 22281-034